We have been requesting that patients sign up on the Patient Access website, but due to its popularity we are now recommending that patients sign up to the NHS App.
With the NHS App you can:
- check your symptoms – find reliable NHS information on hundreds of conditions and treatments, and get immediate advice
- book appointments – search for, book and cancel appointments at your GP surgery
- order repeat prescriptions – see your available medications and request a new repeat prescription
- view your medical record (if you have requested this through the practice)
- register to be an organ donor – easily manage your preferences on the NHS Organ Donor Register
- choose how the NHS uses your data – register your decision on whether it can be used for research and planning
In view of its popularity we are now recommending that patients sign up for the NHS App. You can sign yourself up without the aid of the practice, through your smartphone or tablets app store.
Further Help
For help with signing up please see this website https://www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/nhs-services/the-nhs-app/
Podcast from NHS Digital about the NHS app and how to register - Podcast about NHS app (Accessed 19/02/2020)
Easy read guides for online access and the NHS app - Click here
Please note: The app will only work with either a smartphone or tablet, you will not be able to access the app through a computer.
Also please note: The app will ask you if you have already got an online account, your login details for our old online system will not work, so please say no. However if you have a Patient Access account you will be able to enter the email address and password that you use to access your Patient Access account into the NHS App.
If you do not have access to a smartphone or a tablet or are unable to use the app, you can still book appointments, request repeat medication or view your medical record through the Patient Access website, please email the practice using nhccg.chawtonparksurgery@nhs.net providing us with your name and date of birth. The Practice will require up to four weeks to process all requests.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can 2 patients be signed up with the same email address?
No, unfortunately due to the way the IT systems work each patient must use a unique email address for each account.
I have a Patient Access account, can I still use the NHS App?
Yes you can, you can have access to both of them.
0 -16 year olds online accounts
0 -11 year olds online account
We are unable to provide 0-11 year old’s with their own online account. However we can give parents/guardians proxy access to their child’s account. Proxy access can be requested by using the following here.
11-16 year olds online account
At the age of 11 the IT system will automatically restrict the proxy access to be able to book one appointment only. The child will need to make an appointment with a Doctor to assess whether the proxy access continues or the child can have their own account.
At 16 years of age, unless there is a specific need proxy access will discontinue and the child will need their own online account.
Abbreviations you may find in your health records
Here you can find out what some of the most common medical abbreviations mean. This may be useful if you want to understand your health records. An abbreviation is a short way of writing a longer word or phrase.
Link to NHS page regarding Abbreviations - Click here